South Africa needs a cohort of career and well-trained diplomats. Currently, the diplomatic service is disproportionately laden with ill-equipped political appointees, especially in key postings.
Get ready for a powerful new talk show that promises to unveil the inspiring stories of South Africa's most influential ...
The former president Thabo Mbeki criticised United States president Donald Trump's foreign policy approach and compared him ...
The leaked 30-page document of the Thabo Mbeki Foundation (TMF) caused a storm on social media, within African National Congress (ANC) circles and other political and civic organisations. It is not ...
Fellow participants at this first sitting of the National Dialogue. First of all I would like sincerely to thank and salute all of you for being here and therefore for responding positively to the ...
The local media and intellectual class have lately been perplexed by the hard-to-explain phenomenon of our society's intense interest in, and even fascination with, the legacy and personality of ...
Suddenly the incorrigible former President Thabo Mbeki appears, on TV, from hibernation, extolling the virtues of the ‘free election' and announcing that the "people have spoken" and that their ...
During the Isandlwana Lecture this weekend at Joburg Theatre, former president Thabo Mbeki gave a short lecture on how lobola is perceived these days, slammed the modern practices of lobola and ...
In the discussion, Holdsworth highlighted 1999 to 2003 as the years in which the country experienced a growth rate of 3.5% under the Thabo Mbeki administration. “This was the only administration ...
Historically, with regard to the Zimbabwe liberation struggle, the ANC had good relations with ZAPU and none with ZANU when it broke away from ZAPU. This was a product of a continuous process in ...
The essay from which the posts are drawn was written in May 2008, when Thabo Mbeki was still President. Today's post looks at the politics of former President Thabo Mbeki; in particular the notion - ...
President Mbeki: Well, I think the first thing to note of course Miranda is that an important part of TICAD is Japan, and you are dealing here with the second biggest economy in the world and ...