A gardening expert has shared a simple tip to help keep pests away from your tomatoes - by planting a common flower right ...
There are a few good companions for tomatoes, but you might not be aware of the unique benefits of this herb when it's ...
Tomatoes are a relatively easy crop to grow at home and gardeners don't need a huge amount of space to do it. In fact, they ...
Bacterial diseases will spread rapidly through a field in hot, wet weather. While we had the heat last year, we did not have ...
One horticulturist has shared a simple gardening tip to improve the flavour of your tomatoes, and it involves planting a ...
“The outdoor garden pests I encounter the most outdoors are aphids, slugs and hungry caterpillars, specifically cabbage worms, tomato hornworms and cut worms,” says Kaitlin Mitchell, a ...
Certain herbs make excellent neighbors to tomatoes in the vegetable garden, repelling pests, keeping down weeds, and ...