The cats can kill as many as 14 small animals in a single night ... They are an ancestor of the modern dog, and can eat between 20 and 30 pounds of meat in one meal. Today, gray wolves live ...
One of nature's slowest animals, the sloth spends most of its life hanging upside down in trees. Its two (or sometimes three) fingers allow them to firmly grasp and hold onto branches. These ...
Ducklings are soft, tiny, and covered in a beautiful yellow down. They are energetic and fluffy, and a delight to watch as they follow their mother and learn to swim ...
Researchers apparently wanted to give the octopus that name because of how "cute" it looked. This week Young Post gives you the skinny on the cutest animals on earth.
Image credits: hot_priest Even though humans and animals may be from different species, the bond between us and them seems to be incredibly strong. It’s obvious that people adore their pets ...
What are the cutest animals seen on the big screen this century? It's a tough question to answer, and one that results in some... passionate responses. Seriously, though. I asked Twitter who they ...