The University of Minnesota Horticulture Research Center (HRC) in Excelsior, Minn., breeds new varieties of wine and table ...
For those seeking a natural way to enhance health and vitality, muscadine juice stands out as a powerhouse of nutrition.
The phytoplasma (Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis) is involved in causing flavescence dorée (FD) in grapevines. Therefore, the phytoplasma is classified as a quarantine organism in Switzerland and ...
Dogs have many jobs, but one you may not expect is identifying grapevines coated in a destructive and highly contagious fungus. Although dogs can detect serious vine infections by smell, scientists ...
Dogs have many jobs but one you may not expect is identifying grapevines coated in a destructive and highly contagious fungus ...
Andrew Caillard is aghast. In his ­recently published history of Australian wine, The Australian Ark, the former fine wine ...
Imported wines are a familiar sight at Urban Food Group owner Kevin Jennings’ restaurants. At Coquette in North Hills, French wines dominate. “At Vivace, it is 100% Italian,” he said. According to ...
ALTHOUGH an increased set of fruit as a result of gibberellic acid or related compounds has been observed in tomatoes 1, there are insufficient data concerning the effect of this chemical on ...