The DOE announced that Waianae Intermediate would be closed Friday due to the investigation. All after-school programs and activities were also canceled. No other schools were affected.
Honolulu police say two men in their 40s were arrested last week after state conservation officers heard gunshots at the Waianae Kai Forest Reserve. The Honolulu Police Department and state ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - An investigation is underway after a boat caught fire at the Waianae Boat Harbor Friday night. Honolulu Fire Department said they got the call shortly after 10 p.m ...
WAIANAE, Hawaii (KHON2) — The Honolulu Police Department seized a ghost gun in Waianae after DLNR officers heard gunshots fired in Waianae. Get Hawaii’s latest morning news delivered to your ...
WAIANAE (HawaiiNewsNow) - An hours-long standoff has come to an end with a suspect in custody, Honolulu police said in an update on their social media platforms Friday morning. Sheriffs took ...