Paul’s words of caution about not causing others to stumble by what we do are a reminder that not everything that is morally right in itself is wise or helpful in every situation.
Borrowing from George Orwell , who describes nationalism as “power hunger tempered by self-deception,” Christian nationalism ...
Titus 2:13-14 For most Catholic Christians ... Some may object to Christ's divinity and cite Bible verses pertaining to His humanity, e.g.: ...there is one mediator between God and men, the ...
It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Nicolas Cage starred in the movie "National Treasure." The action-packed ...
Evangelistic churches know the place of good works in Good News proclamation. Because Jesus has cleansed us and made us his ...
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.” Titus 1:16 ...
As we get closer to October 7th, the eternal wisdom of the Torah on unity and national resilience resonates with renewed ...
Few Americans believe the Apostles Creed today, and many outright oppose the God of the Bible and Christian doctrine ...
Known as the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice, the refurbished two-story clapboard home will further the ...
Does the Holy Spirit continue to gift God s church with ongoing revelatory gifts such as tongues and prophecy ...
You only have to be a Christian for a short time before you realize that churches suffer from disunity and splits after seasons of peace as surely as valleys follow rolling hills.
It is a true statement that the best part of any community is the people. Unfortunately, we also must acknowledge the other ...