A female-led syndicate of phone thieves, led by Shamsiyya Adamu, has been arraigned before the Chief Magistrate's Court, Gyadi-Gyadi, in Kano State, on charges of criminal conspiracy, trespass, and ...
The project was to address the gender digital divide and create economic opportunities for women in Northern Nigeria ...
Mr Bowale stated that during this period, vaccination teams will visit residential homes, schools, churches, mosques, gated estates, and other public places to vaccinate eligible children ...
Poultry farmers in Kano State have dismissed reports of a widespread outbreak of highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), commonly known as bird flu, as inaccurate.
The Kano State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Abubakar Labaran Yusuf, has reassured residents of the state that there is no ...
Emirates and chiefdoms have transformed, their people have evolved, and their geography has been altered. Some were ...
Residents of Kano State are now beneficiaries of bags of 25kg rice distributed as part of the palliative measures introduced by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to cushion the effects of the current ...
Kano State Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change has partnered with the Ministries of Transportation and Commerce and Industries to improve the state’s waste management system.
A tragic accident in Plateau State's Kwana Maciji area claimed the lives of 19 people and injured 11 others who were ...
A statement on Tuesday by the EFCC’s spokesperson, Dele Oyewale, said the commission’s Kano Zonal Director, Ibrahim Shazali, ...
The disease has impacted various bird species, including layers, ducks, guinea fowls, and turkeys. A circular signed by Dr.