Nekton Ocean Census, composed of more than 800 scientists from more than 400 institutions, announced that they have ...
New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
Scientists have identified 866 new species as part of the Ocean Census, a global mission to protect and accelerate the ...
The little tern, a seabird, is the 95th and latest addition to the EPBC list. According to the ­organisations, the government ...
Researchers have found at least 866 new marine species as part of a global mission to protect and accelerate the discovery of ...
A guitar-shaped shark, a fan-like coral and a venomous deep-sea snail equipped with harpoon-like teeth are among 866 ...
Global ocean expedition uncovers hundreds of new marine species, from a venomous deep-sea snail to a rare coral, highlighting ...
The Ocean Census has discovered over 800 new marine species, including the rare guitar shark, through global expeditions and ...
Over 800 new species discovered 800+ scientists from 400+ institutions collaborating globally10 Expeditions and 8 Discovery ...
In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found 866 previously unknown marine species.According to CNN, as part of ...
“Probably only 10% of marine species have been discovered,” Taylor told CNN from onboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Falkor (too) research vessel while on a 35-day expedition to the South ...