Of Holyoke’s 30,702 registered voters, 843 came out for the special election in favor of the change, while 572 voters wanted ...
For the last week, we have been keeping you up to date on an alleged shoplifting incident involving a 66-year-old Boyle County man with dementia from back in October.
Centreville officials say their 911 system started getting calls about strange noises two weeks ago, and those calls are ...
A freeze in federal grant funding has been put on hold for now. Although the order has been put on hold until Monday, Feb. 3, ...
The city is hoping for legislation that could help clean up condemned buildings in the city. Ideas include enacting and enforcing maintenance standards.
In her State of the City address, Erin Mendenhall said the city is focused on public safety, affordable housing.
A 30-year-old woman is facing hate crime and threat of terrorism charges after multiple businesses, City Hall and were ...
In a press release, police said there were 11 victims associated with the vandalism, including Guadalajara and Jibaro ...
The City of El Cajon sent a letter to California Attorney General Rob Bonta asking for clarification on SB 54.