An apparent road rage shooting on the 101 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles led to the closure of all northbound lanes Saturday ...
A fight followed by a shooting prompted the California Highway Patrol to shut down all northbound lanes of the Hollywood (101 ...
All northbound lanes of the 101 Freeway were shut down for hours at Mission Road near downtown Los Angeles Saturday afternoon ...
A SigAlert was issued for northbound lanes near Alameda Street as CHP officers worked to investigate the shooting.
The delivery of desirable multi-bedroom and multi-family unit housing options…is a town and provincial priority at this time, ...
A shooting on the 101 Freeway near downtown Los Angeles has forced a closure of northbound lanes for the next three hours, according to authorities. Officials with the California Highway Patrol ...
SALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV) -- Four people have been arrested in Salinas for street racing along the US 101 on Thursday night.
A project to improve drainage along the Castillo Street undercrossing in Santa Barbara will result in the closure of the Highway 101 southbound Castillo ...
Jason Hughes agreed to pay fines totaling $8,500 and is eligible to apply for an unrestricted license after one year.
At its next meeting Thursday, the city of Ukiah’s Design Review Board will consider a proposal to open a burger restaurant in ...