On the eve of leaving the city for good, an English art dealer found himself captivated by a 17th-century apartment.
Claims on the Guelph Treasure stretch back nearly two decades, and Germany’s plans to change how restitutions are evaluated ...
Museum officials say they are voluntarily repatriating the object after learning that it had been stolen from Guita Bahi in the Kathmandu Valley ...
A painting in the Wallace Collection long-considered a Canaletto has been reattributed to Bellotto, a nephew who studied in his workshop.
The marbles in the Torlonia Collection have been inaccessible to the public for decades. Now, some of them will be exhibited ...
[SINGAPORE] Among the new exhibits for SEA Aquarium’s 12th anniversary celebrations is a vibrant and ... He is a person with disabilities (PWD) from non-profit organisation Art:Dis who is self-taught ...
Architecture of Marigold: A spacious and moody interior inspired by the turn-of-the-century Arts and Crafts movement The interior of Marigold was created to mirror a period of British history ...
Spanning from the fall of Rome to the Renaissance in the 14th century, the Middle Ages encompassed a thousand years of social, cultural, and religious upheaval, and — most importantly ...
Claims Judgement Day will fall in 2027 have been based on the writings of Saint Malachy, an Irish bishop from the 12th century who wrote a series of prophecies about the sequence of popes.
The MPBSE 12th science, arts, and commerce stream will be announced online simultaneously. Students must reach the examination hall at least 1 hour prior to the commencement of the exam.
The Art Institute of Chicago announced on Monday that it is returning a 12th-century sculpture titled "Buddha Sheltered by the Serpent King Muchalinda" to Nepal after new research found that the ...