An array of crystal shapes of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides as imaged with a scanning electron microscope. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news ...
Two-dimensional (2D) shapes are completely flat. They cannot be picked up. 2D shapes can be found printed in a book or you can draw them on a piece of paper. 2D shapes have sides and corners (also ...
The surface of the sphere and the plane are two possible 2D spaces, meaning you can walk in two directions: north and south or east and west. What other possible spaces might you be living on?
Ukichiro Nakaya, the Japanese physicist responsible for creating the first artificial snowflake, also created a classification system of 41 different crystal types. Shapes can range from cups to ...
A collection of articles in this Focus highlights some of the latest research in making and characterizing single-crystal synthetic 2D polymers, and also considers the challenges and potential for ...