The Bay Head Board of Education approved a $4,935,951 budget at Tuesday night’s meeting, seeing a raise in taxes of about $274 annually for an av ...
If they’re allowed to stand, the NIH reductions to those overhead subsidies effectively would amount to a $2 billion tax on the state ... and puts Massachusetts on the map,” Auchincloss ...
The National Women's Soccer League has launched an investigation into Bay FC and head coach Albertin Montoya following complaints alleging a toxic environment within the team. This development ...
according to Bay Head Chief Financial Officer William E. Antonides Jr. is $1,633,958. He also confirmed that the total tax levy increased by $128,611. Antonides told The Ocean Star that this budget ...
Giulia Carbonaro is a Newsweek reporter based in London, U.K. Her focus is on the U.S. economy, housing market, property insurance market, local and national politics. She has previously ...
Support among North Bay voters, who have strongly supported MTC toll measures in past elections, is weak for a proposed nine-county half-cent sales tax increase. MTC is now considering putting the ...
in Bay Head. The new restaurant, which is three blocks from the beach, currently is home to Dune Grass Cafe. Owners Scott and Dawn Spivak, who run Taylor Sam's with their family, hope to open by ...
The Angels, in Clark’s view, should be one of the sport’s biggest spenders, alongside the nine teams that exceeded the tax last season. And unlike much lower-spending franchises, the Angels ...
Several locations in the Bay Area are considered very high fire hazard severity zones, according to new maps released this week by the Office of the State Fire Marshal. The state SAYS fire hazard ...
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- CAL FIRE is overhauling its wildfire risk maps for cities across the Bay Area. The new fire lines will mean major changes for homeowners. It's the first time in more than a ...