The beavers have built at least four dams and they could not have chosen their location better. They built them on a bypass ...
What happens when an infrastructure project is stalled for more than seven years? In most countries, the project may have ...
"Beavers always know best," said an environmental official in the Czech Republic, where the animals commandeered construction ...
Three locomotives and six train cars from Canadian Pacific Kansas City derailed in Sandwich Academy Grant Township on April ...
Beavers can cause property damage, but they also positively impact the environment. Some are working to peacefully manage the ...
State officials say a train derailment in rural Maine that spilled hundreds of gallons of fuel and hospitalized three workers ...
A beaver colony gained overnight fame by building several dams in the Brdy protected landscape area, creating a natural ...
Beavers have saved the Czech government and its citizens $1.2 million, by flooding an area, where a dam was planned.
A beaver colony has just saved officials in the Czech Republic $1.2 million – which is over R22 million – by building a dam ...