Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
In a conversation with GQ, Ridley Scott shared that the big guns behind Blade Runner seemingly took a little convincing when ...
Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on “Blade Runner” ...
Director Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on his ...
While speaking with GQ about his iconic films, Ridley Scott recalled the experience of casting Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard in Blade Runner: ...
Ridley Scott felt Harrison Ford would be something exceptional in Hollywood, despite others' doubts decades ago. During a ...
Blade Runner' director Sir Ridley Scott has told how the movie's financiers hadn't heard of leading man Harrison Ford before ...
Blade Runner and Alien director Ridley Scott is what people like me have instead of church. In Sir Ridley's movies, we trust. The prolific, award-winning English director is the man behind sci-fi ...
Simon Thompson looks at the ten best director’s cuts that improve on the original theatrical editions… Director’s cuts are a strange beast indeed. Some of them completely enhance or make amends for ...
The Sonos Arc is dead. Long live the Sonos Arc Ultra, a technologically advanced soundbar that aims to be the pinnacle of ...
Sir Ridley Scott was worried the Xenomorph in 'Alien' wouldn't be scary enough due to the limited visual effects he had ...