Not enough light will cause its leaves to become "leggy" and almost bendy. However, too much light can be damaging, so it's important to strike the right balance. "Do not put it in direct sunlight, as ...
American Legion Post 459 is seeking five to ten applicants to attend the Buckeye Boys State (BBS) program, scheduled for June 8-15 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio... American Legion Post 459 is ...
In a nod to the college sports helmet sticker tradition, decals depicting the Buckeye Leaf helmet award, the Blue Jackets Cannon, and the NHL Shield adorn the side of the field leading to the NHL ...
Almost all parts of the tree, including the bark, pods, and leaves, are eaten or used as ingredients in traditional herbal medicines. In fact, researchers have found over 90 bioactive plant ...
Mayer said the plan following Blue Jackets' goals includes a loud cannon blast plus a crew of workers grabbing a large circular Buckeye leaf sticker and placing it on the North end of the field ...
Decals depicting the Buckeye Leaf helmet award, the Blue Jackets Cannon and the NHL Shield are displayed along the side of the field leading to the NHL stage where Columbus-native and Grammy ...
There will also be large circular cannon "sticker" logos placed on the South end of the field along with large Buckeye leaf "stickers." The Dispatch has also learned that Blue Jackets goals will ...
The NHL gave a nod to the Buckeyes with various aspects of the design, including Buckeye leaf decals scattered across the grounds. The stadium will be dressed in a blue and red theme in honor of ...
In a nod to the college sports helmet sticker tradition, decals depicting the Buckeye Leaf helmet award, the Blue Jackets Cannon, and the NHL Shield adorn the side of the field leading to the NHL ...