A lot of Cockatoo parents compare their gorgeous birds to toddlers, as in they behave like toddlers, and can be needy like toddlers, and even learn language like human toddlers. Well, any human ...
A cockatoo innovation, you say? Regarding flavoring? Tell me more! As I read the abstract, I realized that the key innovation of this new paper was innovated by nine cockatoos, all of whom had learned ...
Goffin’s cockatoo, also known as the Tanimbar corella (Cacatua goffiniana), is a species of parrot endemic to Indonesia’s Tanimbar Islands, 600km north of Darwin, the capital of Australia’s Northern ...
They can't help it, they're just born with big personalities. Cumulus the Cockatoo is at the top of that list. He spends most of his time bringing joy to everyone around him. This hilarious boy ...
Whether or not you believe the common myth that the movement of black-cockatoos means bad weather is on its way, that iconic flash of red under the black tail feathers of a this cockatoo is enough to ...