Thai edible insect business is booming. Can it inspire the world? Growing up in Thailand’s northeastern Isan region, Suwimon ...
Researchers found native predators that help control spotted lanternfly populations, reducing reliance on pesticides.
Marigolds are beautiful flowers that not only liven up gardens but also repel nematodes, aphids, and mosquitoes with their signature smell. By planting marigolds around vegetable patches or flower ...
Maximo Napa Castro, 61, was floating in his small fishing boat on March 11 after being spotted by an Ecuadorian vessel off ...
Insect predators found in the United States could help keep spotted lanternfly populations in check while potentially ...
Your concerns about butterflies are valid. Any insecticide used against ants and chinch bugs will hit other non-target insects, too. Since lawns are outdoors, we have to expect they’ll have a variety ...
Things are starting to warm up in Georgia and the official start of spring is here. But homeowners should be aware of the spring time bug problems.
The 59-year-old was left housebound for a year due to the agonising pain and she had to watch as nurses cut away chunks of ...
Last year, 6.3 percent of Finnish residents received last-resort benefits, reports Hufvudstadsbladet, noting that Vantaa residents draw more of this support than people living anywhere else.
A professor says that cockroaches carry several gastrointestinal illnesses after a GTA woman found one in her iced coffee from Tim Hortons.
Agricultural Research Service scientists are using a tiny native wasp to combat the wheat stem sawfly, offering farmers a ...
Parts of central and southern Ohio are set to be invaded by a constant din this year. Brood XIV of cicadas is set to hatch ...