Tara said he used rainfall and flood data from state and federal agencies and the county to map the flow of water ... the ...
Residents have wondered for months if the release of 18 billion gallons of water contributed to widespread flooding during ...
Months after Helene-related flooding pummeled this area of Mecklenburg County, residents continue to cope with the kinds of ...
These apprehensions are further fueled by unfounded rhetoric suggesting that the dam could alter the flow and course of the Brahmaputra, trap nutrient-rich sediment, and cause far-reaching downstream ...
Documenting and researching this type of dam failure is a way for researchers to help get data out to public officials and ...
The Mount Morris Dam, built and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, continues to serve as a ...
While much of the devastation was in Eastern Kentucky, the Tennessee Valley Authority said its Norris Dam helped prevent ...
“We’ve been flying drones repeatedly on swaths upstream and downstream, looking at the changes in the river since the dam ...
Fifteen Northern Colorado water districts and communities are celebrating after taking a giant step forward toward building ...
On the visual side of things, William Glasheen won a second-place award for a Sports Action photo which also caught an ...
"A huge raft of debris washed down the Colorado by the flood waters battered against the mighty dam, and the steamer Ben Hur, the pride of Austin, drifted wildly on the muddy waters. "Water was ...