Spot fires, car rollovers, bushes littered with toilet paper and excrement, and dangerous water activity likened to Mad Max.
Large and violent tornadoes have been confirmed in Mississippi, with forecasters warning of considerable damage. CNN’s Derek ...
Modernized changes to long-held operating procedures at the dams walling Lake Oroville and New Bullards Bar Reservoir in ...
Workforce cuts could disrupt the federal government's ability to provide reliable electricity, supply farmers with water and ...
The sediment retention dam in Toutle has become less and less effective as it fills, switching from catching about 80% of ...
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second ...
A few Western lawmakers are trying to roll back a Biden-era strategy to control the spread of smallmouth bass in the Grand ...