Saint Aristarchus is mentioned in the Epistle to the Colossians (4:10), and also in the Epistle to Philemon (v. 24). By his ascetical manner of life, this Saint proved to be another Saint John the ...
In answer to my request by mail, under date July 13, 1855, for a letter of dismission in fellowship ... as he did Onesimus to Philemon. Yes, indeed I would, if you would let me.
Readers lamented the societal pressures, gender inequities, and marketing ploys encouraging women to drink. “Masking hardship ...
Since the late-nineteenth century, scholars have all but concluded that the Apostle Paul authored six authentic community letters (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, and 1 ...
An early example is St. Paul’s Epistle to Philemon. St. Paul appears to tolerate slavery, but he also warned slave masters that they too have a Master in Heaven who would judge them (Col.
The young friend in this poem is Andrew Hunter Aiken (d. 1831), the son of Robert Aiken (to whom The Cotter's Saturday Night is dedicated). Andrew eventually became a merchant in Liverpool before ...
The elderly bard, John Lapraik (1727-1807) of Dalfram, Muirkirk, was married to Margaret, sister of another of Burns's poetic friends, John Rankine (to whom Burns' dedicated a verse epistle).
This Apostle, who was from Colossae, was a bond-servant of that Philemon to whom the Apostle Paul addressed his epistle. Onesimus escaped from Philemon and fled to Rome, where he became a disciple of ...
Please include a link to the online article you are responding to, if applicable. If we choose your letter for publication, we will call you to verify authorship. You can reach us by telephone at ...
A group of religious leaders is making an appeal to the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission ahead of a highly anticipated vote ...
More than this: Jerome maintains that belief in the Biblical narrative is as necessary to salvation as is belief in the doctrines of the faith; thus in his Commentary on the Epistle to Philemon he ...
The Gospels, in the view of some, should suffice. Yet there are letters, a way of communicating in which a writer appears in ...