Gastritis and acid reflux are two common conditions that affect the stomach and esophagus. Gastritis is inflammation of the ...
Alcohol doesn’t just impact the liver, it wreaks havoc on the entire digestive system. From inflamed gums and acid reflux to ...
Jessica Beasley's fiancé Dan's repeated stomach pain and vomiting were mistakenly believed by doctors to be a stomach ulcer.
*Refers to the latest 2 years of stories. Cancel anytime. ST. LOUIS — A widow blames St. Louis County jail staff for the death of her husband, who died in custody after he bled to ...
Experience with the Sengstaken-Blakemore tube at the Grace-New Haven Community Hospital suggested that these complications are more frequent, more varied and more serious than generally recognized.
Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart (although some of the symptoms are similar to a heart attack). Heartburn, also called acid indigestion, is an irritation of the ...
In 1959 Bartlett and Jones 4 described 4 patients with the lower esophageal ring operated upon at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In each of these 4 cases a small sliding hiatus hernia was ...
Vaginal ulcers (also vulvar or genital ulcers) are small sores that form on your vagina, the passageway connecting your uterus (womb) to the outside of your body. They can also form on your vulva ...
Peptic ulcer disease is a common digestive disorder in which acid and digestive enzymes cause the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine (duodenum) to erode. A peptic ulcer ...
Background: Early esophageal basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (EBSCC) with ductal differentiation is a rare variant of esophageal cancer (EC), for which the clinical behavior, endoscopic features and ...
Most of the bacteria residing in the human upper gastrointestinal tract is the friendly sort. But Helicobacter pylori, if it gets a foothold, can cause pain, bloating, ulcers, and even stomach cancer.
Ulcers, particularly peptic ulcers, are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach, small intestine, or oesophagus. They are often caused by factors such as Helicobacter pylori (H.