LG&E and KU foundation donates $25,000 to aid Eastern Kentucky flood recovery through the American Red Cross. LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Eastern Kentucky families affected by February’s devastating flood will ...
Flash floods can be terrifying and dangerous, often striking with little or no warning. They are the result of heavy rainfall ...
Flooding damaged homes, businesses and infrastructure across wide swaths of Oregon over the past week, leading the governor ...
If you've lived in Hampton Roads for awhile, you know that when it rains, it pours, and when it really pours, it often floods ...
No further flooding is expected in the Hastings River. The Hastings River at Wauchope peaked at 5.56 metres around midday Sunday, with minor flooding, and is currently at 2.49 metres and falling below ...
Minor flooding is no longer expected along the Marshalls Creek. The Marshalls Creek at Billinudgel is currently at 2.24 metres and falling, below the minor flood level (2.50 metres). The Marshalls ...
The government has distributed ready-to-use aid amounting to Rp1.4 billion for the flood-affected residents in Bekasi. The ...
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Pratikno (right) reviewing the Bekasi flood emergency response ... cooking oil, hygiene kits, blankets, mattresses, folding mattresses, ...
The five men were on their way to work when water levels rose and left them stranded in the middle of a torrent CHINA — Video shows how a group of firefighters and bystanders helped rescue a ...
Howard Fire Rescue Chief Dennis Staeven said the village handles occasional ... Kane urged residents to keep a flood kit that can be moved quickly handy. “It has things like money, clothing toiletries ...