Fig 1: Author’s prototype of Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controller The code is written in Arduino IDE. First, the IDE must be installed. The code can then be downloaded and opened in Arduino ...
Basically we have the Arduino Uno R4 which will read the soil moisture level using the soil moisture sensor. If the moisture is low it will automatically turn on the water pump via the relay module.
I n recent years, integrating smart home devices into your living space has never been simpler. They have become easier to set up with user-friendly apps and step-by-step guides, ...
If you are working on a budget but want your water closet to feel more luxurious, there are some affordable options you can ...
💧 Monitoring water tanker level using NodeMCU ESP8266 and HC-SR04P Ultrasonic Sensor and broadcasting it using a simple HTTP server inside NodeMCU ESP8266 and show data in an Android App Using ...
A Nextron probe station (Peltier type sample stage, Korea) was used to assess the sensor’s performance within three distinct temperature ranges: −10 to 100, −10 to 80, and −10 to 60 °C, all maintained ...
As the light exits the solution, a sensor measures the transmitted or reflected light ... In environmental science and agriculture, they’re used to analyze water quality, measuring things like ...
The initial plan was just to have water level sensors reporting data over a modified CATS packet radio transmitter. On the other end, the plan was to capture the feed via a CATS receiver ...
Researchers have developed a new optical sensor that provides a simple way to achieve real-time detection of extremely low levels of arsenic in water.
However, Lake Mead water level increases are often attributed to water releases from Lake Powell upstream rather than local precipitation. As Lake Mead has risen over the past few months ...
This library allows an Arduino board to control LiquidCrystal displays (LCDs) based on the Hitachi HD44780 (or a compatible) chipset, which is found on most text-based LCDs. This library is free ...