MnODT says it is joining with the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety are working on ...
Western and northwestern Minnesota has strong winds and snow hitting that portion of the state, making travel difficult.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) says statewide about 404,000 tons of road salt are used every year.
A Nebraska man is on a quest to visit every incorporated city in Minnesota – all 856 of them. Seth Varner, a 24-year-old from Wahoo, Nebraska, recently completed a jaunt through 74 towns in southwest ...
The current session of the Minnesota Legislature has transit and active-transportation advocates playing defense — but ...
MANTORVILLE, Minn. (KTTC) – Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportation say they will be adding a new ...
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is holding public informational meetings this month about proposed or potential road improvement projects around St. Paul, Maplewood and Burnsville.
With shovels, snowblowers and snowplows, Minnesotans got to work Wednesday digging out from a major late-winter storm that ...
A spring snowstorm that blanketed parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin overnight has caused poor road conditions, leading to ...
An overnight and early morning snowstorm led to numerous crashes on roadways in the Twin Cities and across southern Minnesota on Wednesday.
The Minnesota State Patrol said there has been 70 property-damage-related crashes on Minnesota roads from midnight to 7 a.m., including two with injuries and 111 vehicles being reported off the road.
(Undated)--The National Weather Service along with the Minnesota Department of Transportation say that road conditions are ...