If your maidenhair fern's fronds look like they're dying, you could be making a simple but unexpected mistake. Learn how to keep the fern happy and healthy.
There is a little maintenance required to keep their iconic fronds healthy and failing to keep on top of it may result in ...
Cast irons are low-light plants that can survive almost anywhere in your home. They are slow to grow, but also really hard to kill. The only requirement is to keep them away from direct sunlight in ...
Forget birdwatching, fern foraging hikes are the new hot trend in nature exploration! These so-called Pteridomania (fern ...
21, No. 3, January/February/March 2... Vol. 21, No. 3, January/February/March 2010 Cultivating the maidenhair and the maide... Jessie Serle, 'Conservatories', in Richard Aitken & Michael Looker (eds.) ...