SprayDays California is designed to deliver transparent, accessible, and timely notifications and information about the use ...
CAL FIRE has rolled out an updated map of the state’s Fire Hazard Severity Zones. This map identifies areas at risk for ...
The Anna's hummingbird and the Black-chinned hummingbird are among the species spotted throughout California recently.
A new wildfire was reported today at 10:32 a.m. in Tulare County. The wildfire has been burning on private land. Currently, there is no data on the containment status of the fire and the cause has yet ...
Paul Stephen Ruiz was arrested for allegedly abusing a family pet dog to the point of death in Porterville, California, and ...
For the first time in 14 years, California's fire hazard severity zones maps have been updated by the state fire marshal.
Cal Fire has released new fire hazard severity zone maps for public review and comment, including maps for Tulare County, ...
A string of attacks in a Tulare County neighborhood has left locals concerned for the safety of their outdoor animals.
Surrounded by friends and family, amid a crowd of local dignitaries, California State Senator Melissa Hurtado was sworn in ...
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed “high” or “very high” hazard exploded across the state, increasing by 168% ...
A tragic bicycle accident early Friday morning claimed the life of a rider along Hwy 190 in Tulare County, according | ...
Where California's towering Sierra Nevada surrenders to the sprawling San Joaquin Valley, a high-stakes detective story is ...