In the Central Mamuju district of Indonesia’s West Sulawesi, where the Budong-Budong River meets the sea, people have long feared crocodiles ...
Abdul Manan Magtiblo watched the excavator dump a piece of Gebe Island into the back of a truck. Barely a thicket remained on ...
Student protests over education cuts are a reminder of the Southeast Asian nation’s skills gap ...
As it turns out, this was a unique weather phenomenon is known as “mud rain”, but what exactly is it, and why did it come to West Virginia? The explanation is actually quite simple. According to a ...
OXFORD – Five years ago, Trent and Ashley Cox, had their corporate jobs but started a side gig of their own that has grown leaps and bounds ever since. The husband and wife duo are co-founders ...
A freeze on foreign aid funding from U.S. government agencies, including USAID, has delayed several marine conservation ...
Titanium Dioxide (E171) adalah bahan tambahan makanan yang masih digunakan di Indonesia meskipun telah menjadi perhatian di banyak negara karena potensi risiko kesehatannya. Bahan ini sering ditemukan ...
PELATIH STY ACADEMY - (kanan) Tristan Alif Naufal (8) saat ditemui di rumahnya, di Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Rabu (30/10/2013). (kiri) Tristan Alif (20 ...
Student Dian Karina Maharani who was six years old when a toxic mud flow struck the area where she lived, tells how the event continues to shape her life. What are Dian’s memories of when the ...
Dua pemain muda berbakat dari Persib Bandung telah mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti pemusatan latihan (TC) bersama Timnas Indonesia U-17. Mereka adalah Muhammad Rhaka Syafaka Bilhuda dan Nazriel ... - Dua wonderkid Persib Bandung dipanggil untuk mengikuti pemusatan latihan (TC) Timnas Indonesia U-17. Keduanya yaitu Muhammad Rhaka Syafaka Bilhuda dan Nazriel Alfaro Syahdan. TC Timnas ...
The issue? A costing of tax-free lunches. We'll return to the crumbling of the world trading system, but first there's mud to sling. Hume launched into an inquisition of why Treasury agreed to ...