From supermoons to an eclipse and star parties at national parks, these captivating celestial phenomena will get Americans ...
In just a few weeks, people in Arkansas will have the opportunity to explore some out-of-this-world sights at Hobbs State ...
The four planet-strong "planet parade" currently visible to the naked eye in the night sky for a short time after sunset will ...
The moon makes for an excellent guide to see Mars in the night sky tonight. As the sun sets this evening (Feb. 9), the moon will be shining brightly in the east, 93% illuminated in its waxing ...
Four planets will be widely visible to the naked eye through part of February, but calling them a 'planetary alignment' may not be the full picture.
The four-planet lineup that began in January concludes by mid- to late February, as Saturn sinks increasingly lower in the ...
Take advantage of a special 6-7 planet alignment from Earth's perspective. Planets 'line up' in the skies over California in February.
In 1920, astronomers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis held a Great Debate. Shapley argued that the spiral nebulae were small and in the Milky Way, while Curtis took a more radical position that they ...
Another treat is in store for stargazers tonight (February 9) as the Moon and Mars will be sitting very close to each other in the night sky. The Moon's monthly movement around the sky often takes ...
I didn't know I had missed seeing the stars until I moved to Rum. Here, in the heart of Scotland’s first and only Dark Sky Sanctuary, the night ...
Tonight kicks off great week of star gazing in Pennsylvania, with the full moon rising next to Venus and a rare planetary ...