Battery recycling provides economic, national security, and environmental benefits. But the United States is playing catch-up to Asian countries, particularly China.
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The facility specializes in taking old tech equipment like laptops and servers, wiping them of all data and then either repurposing or recycling them.
What should be done with all the wood and plastic waste? This has been investigated by Supriyanto, Ph.D. in the research area ...
Demonstrating that making sustainable plastics isn’t necessarily a sustainable business, two prominent green plastics ...
A worker carries out the process of converting plastic waste into petasol fuel, using a fast pyrolysis (faspol) machine.
Pyrolysis can reduce the amount of plastic waste pollution that ends up in landfills and oceans, and also convert plastic ...
Pyrolysis specialist agrees to build waste tyre recycling thermolysis plant at VTTI's Antwerp port terminal © 2001-2025 | Imprint | Privacy | Cookie settings ...
OMV Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, has commissioned a new plant for converting end-of-life plastics into circular feedstocks at ...
Past attempts to use tires for road surfacing, fuel and other methods have failed to take hold or have petered out over cost, ...
The Grangemouth industrial complex is one of Scotland's major manufacturing facilities - but the imminent closure of Scotland ...
A KEY new report on the future of Grangemouth has laid out nine options for the site after the oil refinery closes down ...