What does the data include? 999M building footprint polygon geometries located around the world in line delimited GeoJSON format. Due to the way we process the data, file extensions are .csv.gz see ...
As far back as 22,000 years ago, humans may have improvised makeshift transportation tools that left grooves alongside their own footprints in what is now White Sands National Park in New Mexico. New ...
The Tonga Magistrate’s Court. Insert: Sonell Joubert. Photos: Riot Hlatshwayo Magistrate Ningi Neko denied Sonell Joubert (43) bail at the Tonga Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning. According ...
These traces were found alongside some of the oldest known human footprints in the Americas at a place called White Sands in New Mexico. In the last few years, several footprint discoveries at ...
In the last few years, several footprint discoveries at this site have begun to rewrite early American history—pushing back the arrival of the first people to enter this land by 8,000 years.
The Bolivian community of Sullkatiti has recovered what is considered the world's oldest human footprint set in stone - which could be some 15 million years old - after it was apparently stolen to be ...
The FDA has pro­hib­it­ed two API man­u­fac­tur­ers from ship­ping prod­ucts to the US, with the agency re­port­ing it found bare foot­prints in one pro­duc­er’s fa­cil­i­ty … ...
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — Footprint Center signage is being removed from the downtown arena that’s home to the Phoenix Suns as the organization searches for a new naming partner. Work to remove the ...
The Phoenix Suns confirmed they are seeking a new naming rights partner for their arena. The Footprint Center in downtown Phoenix will temporarily be known as PHX Arena. Footprint will remain a ...
The reason for the removal wasn't immediately clear. VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL: Se vio a varios trabajadores retirando el nombre de "Footprint Center". ¿Se aproxima un cambio de nombre? Formerly known ...
The home of the Phoenix Suns and Mercury is undergoing a name change from Footprint Center, confirms Arizona Sports’ John Gambadoro. Gambadoro adds the arena will be called PHX Arena on an ...