Samples drilled from deep beneath the sea have revealed just how much global sea levels changed following the last ice age.
Unseen mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers lie under Antarctica’s mile-thick ice sheet. Changes to those hidden rivers ...
Thanks to unusual ocean warming and increased meltwater from land-based ice, sea level rose nearly one-quarter of an inch in ...
According to a NASA-led analysis, last year's rate of rise was 0.23 inches (0.59 centimeters) per year - much higher than ...
Indian scientists have uncovered the possible cause behind the Indian Ocean Geoid Low (IOGL), the lowest geoid anomaly on ...
Scientists have possibly solved the mystery of the Indian Ocean Geoid Low, a large gravity anomaly discovered in 1948. They ...
which could contribute to sea level rise if they melt. "This is potentially a global problem," he said. The study, titled A Twenty-First Century Structural Change in Antarctica's Sea Ice System ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) A new method has been developed to estimate the probability of future sea-level rise, combining model projections and expert insights. Under a low-emissions ...
Between 15 million and 6 million years ago, a 35% reduction in ocean crust production due to a global slowdown in seafloor spreading deepened ocean basins, leading to a sea level drop of 26–32 ...
In parts of L.A. and San Diego counties, the team found evidence that human drivers of land motion increase uncertainties in sea level projections by up to 15 inches (40 cm); human activities ...
Mr Luiz has revealed, however, the patch of land now has “basically … zero value” after planning laws were changed to account for forecasted sea level rises over the next century.