An elusive creature that used to be common in Texas was spotted on trail cameras, showing that it may be making a return, officials said. Wildlife officials shared photos of the critter to Facebook on ...
The rich resources of Pacific kelp forests helped humans populate the Americas. Now depleted by as much as 95 percent, they ...
A study last year strengthened the link between recovering sea otter populations and the long-term health of kelp forests – the towering brown algae that provide food and shelter for thousands of ...
While working on remote Alaskan islands, he found where sea otters were absent, sea urchin populations mushroomed, overtaking kelp forests. He concluded the small mammal was integral to maintaining ...
When sea otters were reintroduced along the coastlines of islands in Southern California and British Columbia, researchers saw kelp forests return to areas that were destroyed by sea urchins. But how ...
Adorably fuzzy sea otters aren’t just cute. The marine mammals serve a crucial role, helping to restore the giant kelp forests they rely on by removing their top predators, the sea urchins.
Sea otters play a transformative role in their ecosystem, serving as a keystone species. Their dietary habits, primarily consisting of sea urchins and other invertebrates, are vital for maintaining ...
Sea urchin, commonly known as uni in Japanese cuisine, is a delicacy enjoyed for its buttery texture, briny sweetness, and rich umami taste. Uni is the edible gonads of the sea urchin and is often ...