When sea otters were reintroduced along the coastlines of islands in Southern California and British Columbia, researchers saw kelp forests return to areas that were destroyed by sea urchins.
Adorably fuzzy sea otters aren’t just cute. The marine mammals serve a crucial role, helping to restore the giant kelp forests they rely on by removing their top predators, the sea urchins.
Two otter species call North America home: the river otter, which averages 20-30 pounds, and the much heftier sea otter that weighs 60-90 pounds. Where sea otters spend most of their lives in ...
Wild sea otters are no longer such a rare sight along the eastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost main island. Experts reckon there are now more than 50 of the endangered marine ...
DESCRIPTION: Sea otters use their rear flippers to move and their flat, muscular tails to steer. They have an exceptional sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight above water and below. Lacking blubber, ...
A sea otter floating above ribbons of kelp is undoubtedly one of nature’s cutest scenes. It’s well known that the marine mammals help make these sea surface ‘pillows’ more abundant ...
When sea otters were reintroduced along the coastlines of islands in Southern California and British Columbia, researchers saw kelp forests return to areas that were destroyed by sea urchins.