The mysterious Greenland shark has an unusually long lifespan, and scientists are beginning to think they finally know why.
Scientists have identified 866 new species as part of the Ocean Census, a global mission to protect and accelerate the ...
Watching a great white shark shoot out of the water only a few feet from your boat is chilling! Listen to this crowd react!
With his magnificent underwater images, Gerardo del Villar wants to rehabilitate the reputation of the ocean’s great ...
Megalodon have always been compared to the modern great white shark. Scientists have found a reason why it shouldn't be.
These large, mysterious creatures are the longest-living vertebrates on the planet—and their genomes could contain clues to ...
A team of local fishermen made waves on Saturday when they reeled in a 12 to 13-foot great white shark from a Hatteras Island ...
Florida researchers have identified a record-breaking great white shark as it is tracked down Florida's coastline ahead of ...
Baby whale sharks remain one of the biggest mysteries in marine science, but new research suggests their birthplaces may be ...
Pearson wanted to return to the spot where he was attacked, and just after he paddled out, a bull shark appeared, flashing ...
After more than a year of no pings, a great white shark named Ormond, tracked by OCEARCH, pinged off Florida's Panhandle ...