Sectiunea de fata este dedicata pozelor care se refera la subiectul paratrasnet. Aceasta zona va concentra cele mai noi poze referitoare la paratrasnet. Pozele pe tema paratrasnet cuprinse in aceasta ...
Multe femei evită să fie fotografiate, pentru că nu ies bine în poze, iar mai jos aveÈ›i câteva sfaturi. Motivele pentru nu te simÈ›i bine în faÈ›a camerei pot fi diverse, de la neîncrederea în aspectul ...
Providing a diverse range of perspectives from bullish to bearish, 7 analysts have published ratings on Henry Schein HSIC in the last three months. The table below summarizes their recent ratings ...
Zeci sau sute de pagini de Facebook apar în România în fiecare zi, promovând imagini create cu inteligenÅ£a artificială. Acesta este un trend care a prins rădăcini ÅŸi în Å£ara noastră, după ce aceeaÅŸi ...
MELVILLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC), the world’s largest provider of health care solutions to office-based dental and medical practitioners, today reported ...
Shein is now the most popular fast-fashion brand in the world. The brand launched in 2008 as other fast-fashion brands, like H&M and Forever 21, were dressing millennials in college. The combination ...
Photo Illustration: Annie Zhao When the China-founded fashion company Shein goes public as soon as this year, it will mint billionaires and millionaires out of those fortunate enough to get shares ...
LONDON, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Fast-fashion retailer Shein's executive chairman Donald Tang told investors in a letter on Monday that "growth remains strong" despite the United States ending duty-free ...
International regulators have warned that Temu and Shein are selling harmful products, including cosmetics, children’s toys, and household goods. Temu and Shein have gained significant traction ...
(Bloomberg) -- Fast-fashion retailer Shein is under pressure to cut its valuation to about $30 billion, according to people familiar with the matter, having in the past been valued at more than ...
♦ Circa 80% dintre cazurile care ajung în urgenţă pot fi tratate în afara spitalului, la medicul de familie sau în ambulatoriu, potrivit unui medic care citează studii internaÅ£ionale ♦ „Avem 400 de ...