Conquering Life’s Toughest Challenges One Bite at a Time, blends humor, biblical wisdom, and practical strategies to help readers overcome their fears.
understanding of spirituality Likert 1–6, where 6 is a greater spiritual perspective 0.93 hospitalized † Religious wellbeing scales. ‡ Existential wellbeing scales. DAP: Death Attitude ...
Is it wrong to incorporate teachings from different religions? Can you follow multiple faiths? This video explores how all ...
Sep. 9, 2024 — Out-of-body experiences, such as near-death experiences, can have a 'transformative' effect on people's ability to experience empathy and connect with others, new research ...
They found that 30% of Americans qualify as Christian nationalists (adherents 10% and sympathizers 20%). Those figures, PRRI ...
By the same token, it has the potential to reconnect private spirituality to the Christian religion, encouraging Christians to imbue their feelings and efforts alike with the supernatural energies ...
For centuries, people have viewed the Bhagavad Gita as just another religious scripture, but what if we told you it’s something far greater? What if the Gita shatters the very foundation of organized ...
As important as it is to maintain a healthy heart physically, it is even more important for us to develop a healthy heart ...
Religious attendance is consistently correlated with higher levels of contentment and satisfaction. Here's what the research into that connection has revealed. Religion brings many things to a ...
Throughout the African diaspora, these tiny, oval-shaped shells hold both spiritual and cultural significance. They originate at the bottom of the Indian and Pacific oceans, formed on the back of ...
National and royal flags fly outside religious sites in Thailand, Turkey, the U.S. and Israel. (Clockwise from top left: Vera Tikhonova, Westend61, Samuel Corum and Paul Souders, all via Getty Images) ...