Uniquely among amphibians, male Darwin’s frogs carry their tiny tadpoles inside their vocal sacs to protect them until they metamorphose into froglets. The dad then spits out a succession of between ...
Following a 7,000-mile-long rescue mission for conservation, 33 tiny Southern Darwin’s frogs ( Rhinoderma darwinii) were born ...
The frogs use a unique strategy to protect and rear their tiny tadpoles, carrying them inside their vocal sacs. When the female Darwin’s frog lays eggs, these then into tadpoles, which the male Darwin ...
Endangered male frogs with an unconventional approach ... continued to carry the little tadpoles until they metamorphosed into froglets. You can watch the moment a Southern Darwin's froglet ...
Uniquely among amphibians, male Darwin's frogs carry their tiny tadpoles inside their vocal sacs to protect them until they metamorphose into froglets. The dad then spits out a succession of ...