“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Contemporary physics still wrestles with a question posed by philosophers millenia ago: What is the universe made of?
Though the fourth season of Netflix’s live-action Witcher series still doesn’t have a concrete release date, Netflix has finally announced when we’ll see yet another animated take on Geralt of Rivia.
Sirens of the Deep, an animated film featuring Doug Cockle as the voice of Geralt of Rivia. Geralt, played by Henry Cavill in ...
The movie brings back game voice actor Doug Cockle as the White Wolf, who is joined by returning live-action stars Joey Batey ...
The Wild Hunt, but players never actually get to fight one in CD Projekt Red’s 2015 open-world epic. So the animated movie ...
Sony Pictures has shared a first look at David F. Sandberg's big screen adaptation of Until Dawn, and it doesn't appear as if ...
Netflix's Witcher franchise is ever-expanding, and next month we'll be returning to the Continent for a brand new animated ...
Jessica Simpson and her husband, Eric Johnson, have split amid "a painful situation" in their marriage, the singer and ...
A new year means new beginnings and there are plenty on the horizon for fan-favorite shows that have already been renewed for ...
Kaer Morhen is more than just a bit of background lore. It’s a pivotal location in the Witcher books, games, and shows. Key ...