Pope Francis called on the world's Catholic cardinals, many of whom live in Rome and lead Vatican offices, to pursue a "zero ...
Pope Francis greets a young child as he rides in the popemobile around St. Peter's Square at the Vatican before his weekly ...
To fully experience love and hope, young people must approach the journey of life as pilgrims and not just sightseers seeking ...
Pope Francis greets young people displaying a U.S. flag in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the end of his weekly general ...
How do Catholic cardinals choose a new pope? What happens in their closed-door meetings? That is the premise of Vatican ...
Pope Francis’ second day in Indonesia involved two major events: a meeting with political and religious authorities and an ...
I was about 10-years-old when the phrase "Vatican II" first came into my consciousness. My family was in its regular pew at St. Joseph's parish, and I was in the daze that accompanies elementary ...
is suspended for the month of July and will start again in August in the Paul VI audience hall in the Vatican. The audience for the Movement of Renewal in the Spirit will be held as scheduled ...
VATICAN CITY, Aug 27 (Reuters) - China's government has recognized the authority of the Catholic bishop of Tianjin, Melchior Shi Hongzhen, the Vatican said on Tuesday, who had previously been ...