News of the purchase, which works out at £360 each, comes to light just days after Swale hiked its share of council tax by almost 3%. The new chairs, which cost Swale council more than £21,600 ...
It was unanimously decided at a Swale council planning meeting last night (March 6) to permit Lidl to build a branch on Sheppey. The proposed Lidl store on Sheppey has been approved - for the ...
Tree of Life Veganics, based in Selling, Kent, has been given a £7,000 grant from Swale Borough Council. It plans to use the money to build a pole barn, with construction carried out in a series ...
Plans for Swale Street’s reconstruction is back on track. Callander’s council decided last August to postpone the project. Why? There were some delays with the design plans, which were needed ...
a man drove his white Lexus and was speeding near the Tuas Checkpoint before the car struck an auxiliary police officer who is now in a vegetative state. Yoong Kok Kai, 44, wanted to drive home ...
Highway swales are ditches that collect and carry runoff during rainstorms, providing modest pollutant removal. Traditional turfgrass linings in swales are not effective in areas with shallow ...