A Western Australian landowner has been found guilty of breaching the state’s Aboriginal heritage laws for disrupting a creek on his property associated with the “Rainbow Serpent”.
A real estate agent has been found guilty and fined for breaching WA’s Aboriginal Heritage Act after work on his farm that he ...
The river is associated with Wagyl, the Rainbow Serpent central to the mythology of the region’s Noongar people. Magistrate Andrew Matthews said while the works did not cause significant damage ...
The river, whose Aboriginal name is Gugulja, holds deep cultural importance for the local Noongar people because Dreamtime stories say it is traveled by the Wagyl, a river serpent. Sign up to The ...
Tony Maddox built an access bridge over a tributary of the Avon River, a site associated with the Rainbow Serpent, or "Wagyl" to the Noongar people. A Western Australian landholder has been found ...