I debated Abdullah al Andalusi from the Muslim Debate Initiative at Manchester University (UK) on the subject of “Is Anti ...
On Passover, the Jewish holiday commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the youngest member at ...
One of the nurses under police investigation over a vile anti-Semitic rant filmed inside a Sydney hospital can be seen in a resurfaced clip leading a mosque in a martyrdom prayer.
Eight years after the Iraqi city was left in ruins, Mosul’s rich multicultural heritage is slowly but surely beginning to flower again ...
Rashi, explaining the view of Rabbi Nehemiah in the Talmud [1] that they spontaneously sang the song together, says that the Holy Spirit rested on them and miraculously the same words came into their ...
Armed and Divided Shabbat Thought Torah Portion Beshalach 2025 (revised from previous versions) In the Torah portion this ...
A community rallies around the family of a star athlete of the Schechter School of Long Island who fell in battle.
OneFamily, an Israeli organization that began during the bloody intifada of 2001, to provide relief and comfort to families who had been devastated by terror or war, through programs, trips, workshops ...
Throughout the years, wherever I’ve traveled, I’ve met people who tell me they became religious through the pages of The Jewish Press. Others, who came from small communities devoid of a large Ort ...
What do we think of when we think about our presidents? The courage of George Washington crossing the Delaware? The resolute ...
"Nothing dangerous has, thank God, happened here, but we hear about it on an almost daily basis, happening around the world,” ...
Peter Dutton has called for a national discussion about the “inadequacies of the migration system” that granted citizenship to one of the nurses caught in a vile anti-Israel tirade.