Fast-fashion giant Shein found two cases of child labour in its supply chain last year, the company has told MPs. Shein’s general counsel for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Yinan Zhu, disclosed ...
The low-cost fashion retailer has become a cult favourite for its cheap and cheerful clothes, but Shein has had a number of ...
very simple questions," including whether Shein sourced its cotton from China's controversial Xinjiang region, Yinan Zhu, the e-tail leviathan's general counsel for Europe, Middle East and Africa ...
The disclosure by Shein, which is planning an initial public offering in London, was in a February 7 response to questions from a British parliamentary committee. It was written by Yinan Zhu ...
A human rights nonprofit is ratcheting up its legal campaign to sink Shein’s anticipated public ... by recent parliamentary questioning of Yinan Zhu, the e-tail juggernaut’s general counsel ...
Shein's general counsel in Europe, Yinan Zhu, repeatedly declined to say whether the company's products contain cotton from Xinjiang and whether the company prohibits suppliers from sourcing raw ...
The disclosure by Shein, which is planning an initial public offering in London, was in a February 7 response to questions from a British parliamentary committee. It was written by Yinan Zhu, Shein's ...