The new animated Marvel show, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, takes big swings without Tom Holland. Doing an animated ...
This Disney Plus series puts a modern, if occasionally disagreeable, twist on the classic Spider-Man storytelling formula. Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is innovative enough to stand out from ...
Tony Stark is not even closest to being the smartest man alive, and someone needs to send Iron Man that memo. Iron Man's ...
The animated Disney+ series makes a bold change to Spidey’s MCU story and the result is a series that’s fun and smart with a ...
One intriguing theory suggests that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man) lost his parents during the events of Iron ...
Marvel fans tout Stark’s tech, but a 17-year-old DC anime shows why Batman’s rejection of tech reveals his true heroism.
Robert Downey Jr.'s return to the MCU as Doctor Doom may not end after his appearance in Marvel Studios' long-awaited ...
It may have started off as a daring experiment involving the connection of different superhero movies, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has evolved from a popular franchise into more of a force of ...
TV spot for James Gunn's Superman has been shared online, and it includes a few shots that weren't featured in the first ...
A cliffside property once dubbed "Iron Man's house" has been placed on the market. The incredible home sits next to the beach ...
Marvel Cinematic Universe fans have had to say goodbye to their favorite characters time and time again over the last decade or so. Incorporating hundreds of heroes, villains, and side characters into ...
Robert Downey Jr. shut down Disney's Oscar campaign for his iconic Tony Stark role in Avengers: Endgame. Why did RDJ walk ...