Kawaii to the max, the series follows the adventures of two of the most beloved characters from Japan's Sanrio, world-famous ...
Netflix is expanding its Japanese animation slate with “My Melody & Kuromi,” a new stop-motion series featuring Sanrio’s ...
Two of Sanrio's most famous characters, My Melody and Kuromi, are about to get their own special Netflix series.
Previously China-exclusive, the Razer Kuromi collaboration is now available in the US by popular demand. Not only that, but you can kit out almost your entire gaming set up in gear that reps Sanrio's ...
Netflix is coming up with a stop-motion animated series titled My Melody & Kuromi, based on the adorable Sanrio Characters.
Netflix ‘s latest Japanese order is My Melody & Kuromi, a stop-motion animation based on Sanrio characters.
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of My Melody a stop motion series is coming to Netflix exclusively in July 2025.
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of My Melody and the 20th anniversary of Kuromi with an adorable stop-motion series premiering ...
Sanrio is tugging at the nostalgic heartstrings with the help of Netflix. The streaming giant is expanding its Japanese ...
Netflix is introducing a stop-motion series titled My Melody & Kuromi. This series, based on Sanrio's popular characters, ...
A new line of Hatsune Miku merchandise inspired by and featuring My Melody and Kuromi is now available to celebrate Snow Miku ...