In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost ...
The latest collaboration from director Steven Soderbergh and writer David Koepp is "Presence," a haunted house movie set in ...
With the audience haunting a sad family through a spirit's POV, Steven Soderbergh's latest experiment is ultimately about the ...
Even if Reddit threads are arguing about the ghost's identity, I think Steven Soderbergh's latest film is representation for ...
Presence, his excellent new film and his first real foray into the horror genre, is shot entirely from the perspective of a ...
By confining the camera perspective to the viewpoint of its unseen ghost, director Steven Soderbergh scores with a crafty ...
The story begins to unfold when a family of four moves into a new suburban home after the teenage daughter Chloe (Callina ...
Steven Soderbergh's Presence, starring Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Eddy Maday and West Mulholland, is uniquely memorable.
"Presence" is the kind of movie mindbender that sneaks up on you and leaves you thinking long after it's over, according to ...