But technology is evolving fast — moving from quirky, retro toys to emotionally intelligent machines. Enter Ropet, an AI ...
Plenty of robots stick to a pair of driven wheels to keep locomotion simple. If you’re bold though, or just like creepy crawlies, you might instead appreciate this cute scorpion robot build.
These cute robots take their design cues from a family of social companion robots, which are big business in Japan. Dautenhahn says there is plenty of evidence that people in Japan and South Korea ...
Since you’re a hacker that should take the form of a tiny robot swarm that can physically display your sensor data, protect you against a dangerously hot caffeine fix and clean up once you’re ...
At $249, it's a little pricey, but you're getting a pretty sophisticated robot that impresses right from the start. You can train it, drive it, and control it to an insanely high degree of precision.