The causes of peeling paw pads in dogs are several and often warrant close investigation so to tackle the underlying cause. Paw pad injuries in dogs require close attention considering that dogs are ...
There is a breed of dog that hunts truffles, like no other dog can. These dogs are the specialists in the field so to say. Indeed, they have been selectively bred to hunt truffles for a living. Can ...
Typically, an apple head Chihuahua has a shortened nose and the top of the head may have what's called the "molera," a sunken area that's present since birth, something similar to a human baby's ...
How much dogs sleep in 24 hours may vary from one dog an another based on several factors. However, despite individual variances, it would be nice to roughly know how much sleep dogs need in a day on ...
Yes, dogs can have a satisfied look on their face, and you'll notice this distinct expression in a few situations. It's called the "consummatory face" and it's something you are likely familiar with ...
If you are planning to fly with your Pitbull, you may be wondering what airlines allow Pitbulls in 2024. There are less and less airlines nowadays willing to fly this dog breed, causing lots of ...
Twix The popular chocolate bar made by Mars, and made with a biscuit coated with caramel and chocolate. Wilbur Wilbur Chocolate is a brand manufactured by Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate North America.
If your dog lies down when you tell him to sit, most likely you're looking for a solution to the problem. Why does this keep on happening? Discover several possible causes for this peculiar behavior.
Many dog owners wonder why dogs curl their tongue when they yawn. If you are one of them, congratulations! It takes an observant eye to notice that. Countless dog owners wonder about this peculiar ...
There are several different ways dogs may react to your negative mood. After all, this is not surprising. Dogs are very in tune with our emotions and most dog owners have some story about how their ...
Saluki dogs are so skinny because of their past histories. By taking a look back into this fascinating breed's past, we can easily deduce the secret behind these dogs' slim figures. Let's therefore ...
Wet dog noses smell better simply because of how odor molecules respond to moisture. This is of course the short answer. The longer answer requires us to discover how a dog's nose works and how odor ...