The Working Party on Defence Industry (WPDI) is in charge of examining all initiatives aimed at strengthening the European defence technological and industrial base. Więcej informacji o metodach i ...
Skarżąca pracowała przez osiem lat, od 1 października 2000 r. do 31 grudnia 2008 r., jako członek personelu tymczasowego w Europejskiej Agencji Odbudowy (EAR), do czasu zakończenia działalności agencj ...
+/- 17.00 Beginning of the Informal video conference of foreign affairs ministers +/- 18.30 At the end of the meeting, press statement by High Representative Josep Borrell in live streaming.
Ежегодната информационна кампания на ЕС за киберсигурността се провежда през октомври в цяла Европа, като основната цел е да се повиши осведомеността относно заплахите за киберсигурността и да се попу ...
tühistada tervikuna Euroopa Liidu Üldkohtu 5. juuni 2024. aasta otsus Crédit Agricole SA jt vs. Euroopa Keskpank (T-188/22, EU:T:2024:355) ja teha kohtuasjas ise uus otsus; rahuldada nõuded, mille ape ...
Sostituzione degli identificativi CELEX con titoli brevi - funzione sperimentale. Sostituisce gli identificativi CELEX cliccabili dei trattati e della giurisprudenza con titoli brevi. Visualizzazione ...
El Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea es el Boletín Oficial de los actos jurídicos de la UE, otros actos e información oficial de las instituciones, órganos y organismos de la UE. Se publica de lunes ...
The Official Journal of the European Union is the official publication (gazette) for EU legal acts, other acts and official information from EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. It is ...
Az EKB vizsgálati egysége 2016. december 27‑én küldte meg a felperesnek az Egységes Felügyeleti Mechanizmuson belül az Európai Központi Bank és az illetékes nemzeti hatóságok, valamint a kijelölt nemz ...
Overview of the main subjects to be discussed at meetings of the Council of the EU over the next two weeks and upcoming media ...
Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience de navigation possible sur le site web du Conseil. Certains cookies servent à compiler des statistiques agrégées concernant les ...
The Council Library reading room is open on Monday to Friday from 12.30 to 15.30. The Info Desk operates during office hours from Monday to Friday.